Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day

4th of July. Independence Day. BBQ's and fireworks. Summertime, family and friends.

What else does it mean?
It means I could go to church this morning, gathering with friends to sing and worship God free from fear and persecution. Free to write a letter to the editor and speak up at local government meetings protesting topics that are important to me.

It means that I am free to make lots of choices about my life. Some are difficult choices, and I make mistakes, but they're mine to make.

I know that millions of people don't have the choices I do. I am truly blessed to have been born in this place and time.

Happy Independence Day

Freedom from fear...we all have things we're afraid of - snakes, speaking in public, financial ruin, injury - but most everyone I know enjoys comforts of food, clothing and shelter.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tooting my own horn

I've told some of you my exciting news, but... now I'll took my own horn to everyone! I am involved in a book project! I will be one of 34 authors featured in Overcomers, Inc., True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration to be released in fall, 2009. Wow!

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